


The M.O.H. terminal,owned and operated by motor oil (Hellas) Corinth refineries S.A,is located in the sardonic gulf of Greece at position latitude 37o55’ N and longitude 023o 05’ E

Port limits:At area north of lat:37 54’ N and between long:023 03’ 24’’e and 023 07’ E

Pilotage:Compulsory,pilot boards abt 1 mile off the outer jetty at lat 37 54’ N long 23 06’ E.The company has its own private pilots for 24 hours services.Pilots come out by tug.


a)Tug assistance compulsory
b)One tug is always standing by for safety reasons.

Terminal’s UN locoed is GRAGT.


1.The load line zone in the Agioi theodoroi area is the summer for the entire year.
2.She water density about 1028


Water levels may rise or fall as much as 0.4 m with respect to the mean sea level due to the tide.
An additional deviation of about 0.5 m from the predicted levels can also occur in case extreme meteorological conditions.
Larger tide fluctuations are exceptional.


1.There is a reasonable safe anchorage abt 0.5 miles off the outer jetty located north of lat 37 54’ N and between long 023 03’ 24 and 023 07’ E.The depth is 20 fathoms in the northern limits and 40 in the southern,with a sandy bottom.
2.Only tankers waiting for a berth are allowed to anchor in anchorage and only for a period not exceeding 10 days.

3.The holding ground is uncertain,and caution is necessary during strong winds.


1.Berthing:Vessels can berth at anytime day or night.
2.Mooring:Standard mooring on the dolphins which are well fendered and hold the vessel clear of the manifolds.
3.Jetties:M.O.H.’s installation provides a jetty system in the shape of a’’tree’’as it is clearly shown in the cover of the brochure.All jetties except ‘’d’’ equipped with metal loading arms.
a)The upper southern berth of the jetty (jetty’’a’’) can accommodate a vessel with maximum draught of 72 feet,without any other restriction concerning the length and he width of the vessel.
b)The western berths of the jetty (jetty’’b’’) comprise one inner and one outer position.The inner,northwestern berth,can accommodate a vessel with maxi-mum draught of 43 feet,while the outer southwestern berth,can accommodate a vessel with maximum draught of 45 feet.
c)The eastern berths of the jetty (jetty’’c’’) comprise one inner and one outer position.The inner northeastern berth,can accommodate a vessel with a maximum LOA 100 meters and a draught of 23 feet,while the outer southearn berth,can accommodate a vessel with a LOA no more than 100 meters but with a maximum draught of 17 feet.
d)Between jetties ‘’b’’ and ‘’c’’ there is a berth for small vessel or mooring by stern position (jetty ‘’d’’) for vessel of approximately 7000 tons DWT,with maxi-mum draught of 30 feet.
4.Fresh water:
Fresh water is available only alongside by pipeline abt 30 cm/hr (exceptionally in cases of ships remaining for long at anchorage a barge is called).


B.A. charts: 1657(scale 1:100000)-1598(scale1:10000)
H.H.O. charts: 413(scale 1:100000/1:10000)
B.A. sailing directions: NP 48
H.H.O. pilot book: volume 2-chapter 3


A light (white metal framework tower) is exhibited at the EAST end of the terminal,and a similar light is exhibited at the WEST end.
Lights are also exhibited at the head of the pier,at the head of the jetties,and on one permanent buoy.


1. Ballast tanks,areavailable for receiving dirty ballast from ships,with deballasting connections available at all jetties.
2. Discharge of dirty ballast,bilges,slops or other substances into the sea is prohibited.
3. Well prior to arrival,the vessel should advise M.O.H. of the quantity and the quality of dirty ballast/slops held on board.
4. Furthermore,vessel’s master must confirm that no chemicals,used luboils,emulsifying agents or lead are contained in the dirty ballast/slops/sludges that intended to be discharged to shore.
5. All pertinent information,including arrangements for dirty ballast discharge,charges,etc.,can be obtained by contacting the loading master.


1. At least 4 hours from arrival vessel has to start calling:”MOTOR OIL REFINERY” on the channel 10,refinery will give info about berthing on arrival and/or anchoring. 


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