

Port of Thisvi is located at (Lat: 38°13’18” N / Long: 22°57’ E)


There are no restriction concerning Beam & Air Draft Pilot boarding position is located at the East point (Red light) of Fonias Island, between Fonias & Groboloura Islands and Master should watch on VHF Channel 06 & 16. Vessel must be equipped with Navigation Charts No 1600 B.A, or No 232 of the Hellenic Hydrographic (Last Edition Oct. 99), in order to proceed at Thisvi area.
Anchorage position place: 

Dock “A” Depth: 11,10 m S.W. Length: 205,2 m
Dock “B” Depth: 6,30 m S.W.  Length: 151,5 m
Dock “C”  Depth: 9,00 m S.W.   Length: 90,5 m      

Vathi bay (Lat: 38 12’ 59’’ Ν / Long: 22  55’ 48’’ E)

Pilot & Tug boat can be arranged at normal daytime hours-Compulsory by Port Authorities for all Vessels with GRT over 1000 tons.


Berth & Departure is possible only during daytime. There are no specific data/directions concerning seasonal congestion. There are no special instructions concerning navigation at the Port area, during wintertime.

Normal working hours:            07.30 – 15.00 hours (From Monday until Friday) – One shift Unless Shippers / Receivers will decide to extend.

Important Notice:

In case anyone (superintendent, technician, suppliers etc…) intends to visit vessel during her stay at Thisvi port, we will need 24 hrs notice in order to announce the visit at the gate of the port and get the relevant permission.

Fresh water provision facilities are not available at the pier. However fresh water can be supplied to the vessel at Thisvi port by trucks which are coming from Athens. Cost upon request. Bunkering is not possible at Thisvi port (The port is private and it is policy of the Owners not to allow any bunkering at all). Any Crew Changes are impossible due to the fact Thisvi is not a designated Schengen point.

  • The physical communication from and to the vessels is always effected through the vessel’s accommodation ladder, ladder ropes, safety net and adequate night-lights. All above have to be placed at Master’s care and responsibility.
  • Master, upon free pratique completion, should handle to Shippers foreman loading – discharging plan, which will be followed provided that it does not disturb the safety regulations and needs.
  • Due to the fact that shore-passes are not obtainable at the specific port, the exit of crew from board is prohibited.
  • Free communication areas are the piers only. Drugged and drank crew members will provoke the intervention of the elevator security and of the police authorities.
  • The loading / discharging procedure is always a result of a close cooperation between Master / Ch. Mate and piers foreman.
  • For Delivery of garbage’s and slobs Master to contact his agent at least 48 hrs (working days) before vessel’s arrival.
  • Repairs in the engine room, which may provoke the inability of the vessel to move, are not allowed unless Master has the installation’s approval.
  • Master has to take all necessary precaution to avoid sea or pier pollution. In case of pollution, vessel should be able to face it although it may be penalized by the installation or by the port authorities.

Garbage’s and Sludge’s Disposal

Pursuant to article 6 of Directive 2000/59/EC, it is required from Masters of the vessels which are calling to all European ports to provide notification on their vessels’ residues.

The relevant Notification form has to be submitted from the Master to the Port Management Authority and the Port Police at least 48 hours prior to vessel’s arrival.

The Master of a vessel who intends to use the reception facilities in order to deliver residues sends the relevant application to the “Office of wastes’ reception facilities” of Thisvi port, in written via fax or e-mail, at least 48 hours prior vessel’s arrival.

Brief description of the dues charged at Thisvi port

A/ Fixed dues for waste reception facilities

Garbages to be delivered in closed plastic bags.

For quantities bigger than those that are being delivered for free, there is an extra charge of 100,00 euro per additional cbm.

B/ Additional charges for delivery of liquid wastes Delivery of Sludge/Bilge to tanker truck: 200,00 Euro per cbm

Other Hazardous Wastes accepted by DIA.VI.PE.THI.V. S.A.

Lead-Acid Batteries: Free of Charge (Provided that vessel, which requires the delivery of these lead-acid batteries, is obliged to deliver same to the special area designated for this purpose from DIA.VI.PE.THI.V. S.A)

Remarks: All the aforementioned prices are for delivery from 07.30 hours up to 18.00 hours for all working days. Beyond the working hours there is a 40% surcharge to the above mentioned prices, while during Weekends and holidays.


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